In der 22ten Folge von DECOMPOSE.IO unterhalte ich mich zusammen mit Ben Weissman relativ allgemein über das Thema Cloud, Hybrid, On Prem und wo aus unserer Sicht die Wege so hingehen können.
- Introducing Big Data Clusters - SQL Server Big Data Clusters | Microsoft Docs
Cloud Computing – Wikipedia
- Integration Services Service (SSIS Service) - SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) | Microsoft Docs
Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server - Wikipedia
- U-SQL Language Reference - U-SQL | Microsoft Docs
Internet Explorer - Wikipedia
Ransomware - Wikipedia
The path forward for SQL Server analytics - Microsoft SQL Server Blog
- Interaktive Karte: Mobilfunkinfrastrukturgesellschaft
GigaCube – Mobiles Wlan für unterwegs & zuhause | Vodafone
Apache Spark™ - Unified Engine for large-scale data analytics
Apache Hadoop - Wikipedia
Proof of concept - Wikipedia
- SQL Server 2022 | Microsoft
Azure Databricks
Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Stack
Azure error
- Azure Arc | Microsoft Docs
- What is Azure SQL Managed Instance? - Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Docs
- Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) documentation | Microsoft Docs
Azure Kubernetes
- SQL Server on Azure Arc-enabled servers | Microsoft Docs
- Red Hat OpenShift makes container orchestration easier
- Azure Arc-enabled machine learning (preview) - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Docs