In der 27. Folge von DECOMPOSE.IO unterhalten Gregor Reimling und ich uns über die verschiedensten Ressourcen und Themen rund um Azure Networking.
- Azure Policy – DECOMPOSE.IO
- Gregor Reimling | Public & Hybrid Cloud
- Azure Bonn Meetup (Bonn, Deutschland) | Meetup
- Cloud Identity Summit 2022 – Hybrid Conference Bonn
- adesso Bonn - Direkt am schönen Rheinufer
- What is an Azure landing zone? - Cloud Adoption Framework | Microsoft Learn
- Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure - Cloud Adoption Framework | Microsoft Learn
- Create an enterprise-scale architecture in Azure - Training | Microsoft Learn
GitHub - Azure/Enterprise-Scale: The Azure Landing Zones (Enterprise-Scale) architecture provides prescriptive guidance coupled with Azure best practices, and it follows design principles across the critical design areas for organizations to define their Azure architecture
Hub and Spoke – Wikipedia
- Hub-and-spoke network topology - Cloud Adoption Framework | Microsoft Learn
- Azure Virtual WAN Overview | Microsoft Learn
- Virtual WAN | Microsoft Azure
- VPN Gateway-Dokumentation | Microsoft Learn
- Azure ExpressRoute Overview: Connect over a private connection | Microsoft Learn
OSI-Modell – Wikipedia
- Azure Firewall – Cloud Network Security Solutions | Microsoft Azure
- What is Azure Firewall? | Microsoft Learn
- Routing preference in Azure | Microsoft Learn
- Overview of Azure Blueprints - Azure Blueprints | Microsoft Learn
- Templates overview - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn
- Bicep language for deploying Azure resources - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn
- Bicep documentation | Microsoft Learn
GitHub - Azure/bicep: Bicep is a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources
- Terraform by HashiCorp
- Azure Advisor – Azure Best Practices | Microsoft Azure
- What is Microsoft Defender for Cloud? - Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Microsoft Learn
- Microsoft launches landing zone accelerator for Azure Arc-enabled servers | Azure-Blog und -Updates| Microsoft Azure